St Andrew’s Parish Church of Scotland
Main Street, West Linton, EH46 7EE
© 2018 St Andrew’s Parish Church of Scotland West Linton | Scottish Charity Number SC003938
Baby Brunch
Children’s Church
Messy Church
This group meets in the Old Church Hall every Friday morning 10 - 11.30am during term time. We are a group for parents and grandparents who look after babies and toddlers - but we are a group with a difference! Lots of toys for youngsters, lots of tasty snacks and fresh coffee and tea, and helpers on hand to do the setting out and clearing, as well as helping with the children.
Suggested donation £1 per adult, 50p per child.
Contact Mary Turnbull.
Children are welcome at all of our Services As well as a special time within the Service additional teaching crafts and activities are also provided. Our Children’s Church encompasses all of our youngsters on the Cradle Roll, in Baby Brunch and in Messy Church. Special Family Services are held approximately every 2 months where the whole Service is family friendly.
The dates for 2022 are:
Messy Church in West Linton is supported and staffed by volunteers from the local churches: Kirkurd & Newlands, St Andrew’s and St Mungo’s Episcopal Church.
Messy Church is all about families having fun together - playing games, doing craft work,hearing Bible stories, singing and sharing a meal together. It’s for children from birth to P7. It’s held on a Sunday once a month during winter months 4-6pm in the New Church Hall, West Linton.
Please note:children MUST be accompanied by a responsible adult who stays with the child throughout the 2 hours of the club.
Messy Church costs £2 per child to cover the cost of food and craft materials - with a maximum cost of £5 per family unit.
Dec 11 2022
Messy Church Logo Copyright The Bible Reading Fellowship 2021