St Andrew’s Parish Church of Scotland
Main Street, West Linton, EH46 7EE
© 2016 St Andrew’s Parish Church of Scotland West Linton | Scottish Charity Number SC003938
In recent years as the down turn in our economy has affected our fuel and food bills so too has the effect been felt by the 842 million hungry people throughout the world1.
Fair trade plays a small but significant role as one cog in the global fight against hunger since its mission echoes two of the Millennium Goals. In particular eradication of hunger and poverty and the creation of a sustainable food future for our global population2.Coming under the umbrella of Traidcraft the focus is on helping people and families improve the quality of their lives and take more control over their future. Dulal Miah, a fish farmer in Bangladesh, received basic training in bettering farming techniques and lessons in negotiating with buyers a fair price for his yield and says "I now earn more, can provide food daily, improve the sanitation in my home and send my children to school". In pressurizing governments and business leaders to negotiate fairer trading conditions Traidcraft is assisting those in extreme poverty such as the banana grower below.
Both Fair Trade and Traidcraft supply jobs here in the UK as well as overseas and that is important for our own economy. Equally important is buying locally where the Fair Trade logo can be found on many items. Buying one such item per weekly grocery shop can make a difference t somewhere in our world as can supporting the many activities that Traidcraft organise in their ongoing work against poverty and hunger. All activities can be found at or by phoning 0191 497 3999.
Thanks to Fairtrade we will not die of hunger, we will not lose our land and our children can attend school. I want to send thanks to the Churches that purchase our produce. Thanks to you we have a seed of hope in our lives.
How our Church Supports Traidcraft
St Andrew’s congregation supports the aims of Traidcraft and to that end a Fair Trade Booth is open on alternate Fridays in the New Church Hall from 2:00pm to 4:00pm and at other events within the community throughout the year.
Traidcraft catalogue items for sale are available from Helen Bruce on 01968 661 603.
You can find further information at